Učešće Oxford School-a u Erasmus+ projektu

Teaching and Learning Enhanced Erasmus+ funded project



Key words: Erasmus+, mobility, YALS, Malta, United Kingdom, ELC Brighton, ETI Malta, Tom & Emma School of English, Livingston Language Centre, Oxford SchoolLeskovac

In the school year 2017/2018, YALS took part in an Erasmus+ funded project. According to TLE (Teaching and Learning Enhanced) European Development Plan the following aims were identified:

  1. Influencing teaching
  2. Continual professional development
  3. Using new technologies in the classroom
  4. Teachers’ personal development through intercultural exchange

The activities that Teaching and Learning Enhanced E+ funded project consisted of were:

  1. Two junior teachers, Milijana Mitić and Milana Papić, attended two-week courses in English Language Centre in Brighton, titled Language, Methodology and Culture and Teaching English with Technology
  2. Three senior teachers, Sofija Ljiljak – Vukajlović, Jovana Popović and Jelena Spasić, attended one-week methodology refreshment courses in Executive Training Institute in St. Julian’s, Malta,
  3. Upon the return to Serbia, all teachers developed workshops which they devised on the basis of the ideas they gained during their mobility periods. They disseminated knowledge on 11 occasions. Find a list of all seminars and workshops bellow:


28 August 2017 In-house workshop was held by Milijana Mitić at Livingston Language Centre. The topic was Experience gained from attending LMC Course in ELC School Brighton.
15 September 2017 In-house workshop was held by Sofija Ljiljak-Vukajlović, Jovana Popović and Milana Papić at Tom & Emma School of English. The title was Erazmus+ funded teacher training courses

in Malta and UK – experience shared. Sofija and Jovana demonstrated activities learned at ETI School of Malta, while Milana presented ideas learned at ELC School of Brighton, UK.

20 October 2017 In-house workshop by Milijana Mitić at Livingston Language Centre. The topic was Gamification Strategies.
21 October 2017 In-house workshop by Jelena Spasić at Oxford School Leskovac. The title was Teachers Mobility Programme – Malta Course including the Teaching and Learning Enhanced workshop.
28 October 2017 YALS Conference Teaching and Learning Enhanced contained 5 interactive workshops and an introductory talk.

·         Maja Gavrilović Maksimović: Erazmus+ Funded Projects: Our Experience

·         Jelena Spasić: Teaching and Learning Structures

·         Milijana Mitić: Spice Up Your Lessons! 1/1

·         Milana Papić: Spice Up Your Lessons! 1/2

·         Sofija Ljiljak-Vukajlović and Jovana Popović: Spice Up Your Lessons! 2

15 December 2017 In-house workshop was held by Milana Papić at Tom & Emma School of English. The topic was Using the lyricstraining.com website.
2 March 2018 In-house workshop was held by Milana Papić at Tom & Emma School of English. The topic was Using Cuisenaire Rods in the Classroom.
24 March 2018 External workshop Spice Up Your Teaching in Primary School Heroj Radmila Šišković in Smederevska Palanka, was held as part of the Small Bites 2 series of workshops organized by ELTA Serbia, English Language Teachers’ Association.

External workshop Teaching and Learning Structures in Primary School Ljupče Nikolić in Aleksinac, was held as part of the Small Bites 2 series of workshops organized by ELTA Serbia, English Language Teachers’ Association.

14 April 2018 Workshops The Best of Erasmus+ Experience and Teaching and Learning Strategies were held by Jelena Doc1Spasić at Oxford School, Leskovac, within the series of workshops Teachers for Teachers, organized by ELTA Serbia, English Language Teachers’ Association.
11/12 May 2018 Workshops at 16th ELTA Serbia Conference Teacher’s Guide Through ELT Galaxy:

·         Milijana Mitić: Gamification Strategies

·         Milana Papić: Are You Human?

·         Jovana Popović: Vocabulary Revisited

·         Sofija Ljiljak-Vukajlović: Spice Up Your Reading Activities

·         Jelena Spasić: Teaching and Learning Structures



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